Andrea Lombardi


Andrea Lombardi, 41 years old, Italian. He graduated in foreign languages and literatures at Bologna University in 2006, with one year Erasmus exchange at Sussex University (UK). In 2007 he spent 8 months as European Volunteer at the Department of International Relations of the CIDJ, the French National Youth Information Centre in Paris, where he shaped his professional background in International mobility projects and strengthened his language skills to be able to work fluently in English, French and Spanish. He returned to Italy and co-funded Uniser Cooperative in 2008, since then he fully dedicated his professional life to the development of services for the  internationalisation and learning mobility of Vocational Education and Training. Today Uniser is active in 10 countries with a staff of 60 permanent workers supporting colleges, schools and training centres in their process of internationalisation and the organisation of 3.000 mobilities every year.

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