Uniser Teacher Week 2025

Empowering Schools For Inclusive Internationalisation

7-9 May 2025

Uniser Teacher Week 2025

Empowering Schools For Inclusive Internationalisation

7-9 May 2025

   DAY 1

Wednesday, 7th May

Andrea Lombardi – CEO Uniser

  • Workshop 1. – All Aboard – Internationalisation for Students with Special Needs
    Mari Kontturi (Luovi Vocational College)

  • Workshop 2. – Microcredentials for Inclusive International Coordinators
    Stefano Tirati (Learningdigital)

  • Workshop 3. – Training Module on Social Inclusion

  • Workshop 4. – GIVE Academy: A Path to Inclusive Excellence, A Place for Everyone
    Teresa Salvino, Alessandro Mele (La Cometa)
  • Workshop 5. – Erasmus+ Quest: a Teachers’ Workshop to Let Students Discover Mobility Opportunities
    Riccardo Cucconi, Elisabetta Lucertini, Laura Raitè (Europe Direct Regione Emilia-Romagna)

The participants will be divided in 3 working groups according to the Erasmus Action they want to work on: Learning Mobility, Partnerships for Cooperation or Centralised Projects (Centres of Vocational excellences, capacity building, pilot projects etc). Each group will discover the key aspects of the action selected thanks to testimonials, case studies and exercises aimed to support the design of new project proposals.

Participants will take part in a series of 5-minute “speed date” interactions, following a structured set of questions to guide the conversation. Between each session, there will be a 2-minute pause to allow participants to take notes and organise their contacts. This interactive format is designed to maximise networking opportunities, enabling participants to connect with as many people as possible during the first day of activities.

   DAY 2

Thursday, 8th May

Panel moderated by Joao Santos, Former Senior Expert at the European Commission in Brussels

  • Workshop 1. – Building Bridges: SEL in Inclusive and International Contexts
    Fernanda Torres (Inete)
    The workshop focuses on enhancing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in international and inclusive contexts. SEL is seen as a tool for fostering empathy and inclusion in culturally diverse classrooms, as well as in mobility scenarios. Participants will develop inclusive strategies for better supporting international students in the classroom or abroad.

  • Workshop 2. – Inclusion Hub: Matchmaking for Inclusive Mobility
    Paolo Nardi (EfVET)

  • Workshop 3. – Best Practices on Blended Mobility Catalogue
    Rita Festi (SCF)

  • Workshop 4. – Inclusive mobility: Make it Happen!
    Roberta Richiero (Engim)
  • Workshop 5. – Erasmus+ Quest: a Teachers’ Workshop to Let Students Discover Mobility Opportunities
    Riccardo Cucconi, Elisabetta Lucertini, Laura Raitè (Europe Direct Regione Emilia-Romagna)

The participants will be divided in 3 working groups according to the Erasmus Action they want to work on: Learning MobilityPartnerships for Cooperation or Centralised Projects (Centres of Vocational excellences, capacity building, pilot projects etc). Each group will discover the key aspects of the action selected thanks to testimonials, case studies and exercises aimed to support the design of new project proposals.

This will be a space open to all participants to present their project ideas, collect inputs and search for project partners.

   DAY 3

Friday, 9th May

Step into the world of innovation and adrenaline! An innovation center focused on developing new technologies and designs for Ducati motorcycles, combining engineering and creativity to push the limits of two-wheeled mobility.

Come and see how the iconic Parmigiano Reggiano is made! This traditional dairy is renowned for its artisanal techniques, producing top-quality local cheeses that reflect the rich Italian tradition and expertise.

A multifunctional space managed by EtaBeta, a social cooperative, dedicated to projects that promote sustainability, creativity, and social inclusion, blending ecological awareness with cultural initiatives.

A vocational school specialising in culinary and hospitality training, where students develop skills in cooking, service, and event management.The school’s students will also prepare the catering for the first two days of our event!

All day available FIKA@UNISER: The visits will follow different schedules, but if you’re free and would like to visit Uniser office for FIKA, you’re warmly welcome! Join us anytime between 11:00 AM and 17:00 at Via Mura di Porta Galliera 1/2 A, Bologna, just a short distance from the train station.

What’s FIKA? It’s a Swedish tradition we love. It’s more than just a coffee break, it’s a moment to sit together, enjoy coffee and cake or a sweet treat, and have a good chat. It’s a way to connect with others and show care and inclusion. Everyone is welcome!

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